Getting Started

The biggest problem most people have with getting started with weight loss and getting healthier is they simply don’t know what to do first.

What is the first step to take?

The first step I always recommend to take is make the decision. Decide if you are going to commit to yourself and actually move forward with this goal. Go ALL in! If you only partially decide you’re going to do this, then it’s never going to work. You need a plan in place and make that decision to commit to yourself and your goal and take that first step.

The next step is deciding what your “why” is. I did a whole blog post on this! Go read it! You need a good deep reason and write it down! And come back to that when you have rough days. It will help you stay on track. It’s the reason you started! The only reason you fail is if you quit!

The next step is educate yourself. Learn how your body works, what’s in your food, what a serving size is, learn nutrition labels, learn the basics of working out and how to get the best results, and so much more! The more you learn, the better you’ll be, the faster you’ll get to your goal. I do a ton of education that’s free! Message me, and I’ll tell you more!

You are never going to be able to reach your goal with only going on a “diet” or only doing the exercise side of things. They work hand in hand together. You must put your efforts into both. You will never out work a bad diet and you can’t change your body composition by only “dieting”. It just doesn’t work that way.

In order to truly know what you should be eating, is by tracking what you’re eating. Read my blog post on what a calories is. Not all calories are created equal and you must be consuming the right amounts of the right types of calories in order for your body to burn off your own body fat. We need adequate protein and in a caloric deficit to burn your own body fat as fuel. Between feeding your body enough protein and doing workouts to challenge your body, this will help maintain/ gain lean muscle tissue which will increase your metabolism and give your body the lean toned muscle look. So the only possible way to know how much you are consuming so that it can be managed to make changes to your diet, is track it! You have to record everything you eat. Everything! And we have an app for that to make it super simple! Putting a plan in play of what you’re eating each day and what time your workout will be will help you a ton! Schedule out your every day!

I have many levels to my coaching to help you learn how to get to your goals and if you simply begin with educating yourself in the right place (that being me- google is full of a lot of wrong information) then you’ll be well on your way. You wouldn’t jump all in to building a house by yourself without learning how first. So I wouldn’t try a healthier track without learning how first.

Take the first step, commit to yourself, educate yourself, make a plan, execute, don’t quit!

Jodi Mallory